What is PE Full Form in Computer?

The PE full form in computer is Portable Executable. The PE format is a file format used by Windows operating systems to store executable files, object code, and Dynamic Link Libraries. The format is referred to as portable since it is intended to work across all Windows platforms, allowing executables to execute on multiple Windows versions without change.

Components of PE in Computers:

The PE file format consists of numerous fundamental components. First, it contains the executable code, which refers to the machine-level instructions that the operating system loads into memory to run the program. The file also includes data sections, which include important information such as initialized variables or configuration data that the application may require at runtime. Another useful feature is the import and export tables, which list the functions or variables that the executable imports or exports to other DLLs. This allows various programs to share common functionality via libraries, which promotes modularity and reusability.

Applications of PE format:

The PE format is most commonly used to store executable files. When a user opens a Windows application, the operating system uses the PE format to load and run the program. The PE file contains the instructions, data, and resources needed to run the application, as well as metadata on memory allocation and dependency management. This makes it necessary to run both simple applications like notepad.exe and large software suites such as Microsoft Office.