What is DEL Full Form in Computer?

The DEL full form in computer is Delete. It is commonly used to refer to the delete key on the keyboard and is used to remove the files and the texts and also the other elements in the different software environments. DEL is a command in command-line interfaces like Windows Command Prompt and MS-DOS that deletes files from a directory. For instance, typing DEL filename.txt will remove the specified file from the directory.

Role of DEL key in computers:

The Delete key has a dual purpose in text editing and file management. In text-editing software, such as word processors, the Delete key removes characters to the right of the cursor, whereas the Backspace key removes letters to the left. In graphical interfaces such as Windows or macOS, pressing the Delete key on a selected file sends it to the Recycle Bin or Trash, where it can be permanently removed or restored.

Applications of Del command:

DEL is a useful command in command-line interfaces like the Windows Command Prompt or MS-DOS since it deletes files from a directory or folder. For example, typing DEL filename.txt removes the specified file from the current working directory. Unlike graphical interfaces, which relocate deleted files to the Recycle Bin, the DEL command deletes the file immediately and permanently, making it impossible to recover without specialized data recovery software. This makes the DEL command strong, but also potentially dangerous, as wrong use might result in unintentional data loss.