What is DFA full form in computer?

The DFA full form in computer is Deterministic Finite Automaton. DFA is a theoretical paradigm for representing and analyzing regular languages, a type of formal language that may be described using regular expressions. DFAs are used for a variety of purposes, including lexical analysis, pattern matching, and text processing.

Key components of DFA:

A DFA has a finite number of states, including one or more starting states and one or more accepting states, also known as ending states. Each state describes a certain situation or status of the automaton while processing an input string. The alphabet is a finite set of symbols that the DFA recognizes. Each symbol corresponds to an element of the input string that the automaton processes. For example, in a DFA built to recognize binary strings, the alphabet can be 0 or 1.

Functioning of DFA:

The DFA reads each symbol in an input string from left to right. Starting with the starting state, the transition function determines the next state based on the current state and the symbol being read. After processing all of the incoming symbols, the DFA determines if it has achieved an accepted state. If the DFA finishes in an accepting state, the input string is accepted; otherwise, it is rejected.