AC Compressor Not Working – Possible Reasons and Their Fix!

Let’s see it is scorching hot outside, and you just came home to relax and chill a bit just to find out that your AC is not working, mainly the AC compressor is not working. You’d be blaming your luck for that, but instead of doing that, why not get to know a little more about what could be the possible reasons why your AC compressor is not working and what are the ways you can fix it on your own? Sounds fair, right? Well, let’s get to just that, here we go.

What’s an AC Compressor Anyway?

AC Compressor Not Working

Before we get to the problems and fixes of an AC compressor, don’t you think we should explain what exactly it is, how it functions, and things like that? So, let’s start! The AC compressor, you see, is the most important part of your air conditioner. What’s its main job though? It’s simple actually! To pump refrigerant through the AC unit to keep your home cool.

They do their job by moving heat from inside your home to the outside, you know? The refrigerant is a special liquid that pulls heat from inside and sends it outside. The compressor is very important to this process because it squeezes the refrigerant, which raises its warmth and pressure. The hot, high-pressure refrigerant then goes outside to the condenser coils, where it cools down and lets off heat. Now that it is cool and liquid, the refrigerant goes back inside to begin the cycle all over again.

Why AC Compressors Stop Working? Possible Reasons!

There are several things that can stop an AC compressor, that’s for sure. Let’s find out what could be wrong with your AC compressor, shall we?

  • Electrical Issues: Without a doubt, the most common reason for compressor failure is problems with the electrical parts. The compressor might not work if the wiring is bad, the links are loose, the fuses blow, or the circuit breakers trip, you know?
  • Refrigerant Levels: For the compressor to work right, it needs the right amount of refrigerant, that’s for sure. When there isn’t enough refrigerant, usually because of leaks, the compressor can get too hot and even break.
  • Mechanical Wear and Tear: And yes, it is pretty understandable that everything has a life, and yes, the parts inside the compressor, such as bearings, pistons, and valves, can break or wear out over time. The compressor may also not work right if the suction lines get clogged.
  • Overheating: To stay cool, the compressor needs to have good airflow, sounds reasonable, right? Well, for sure, if things are piled up around it or the condenser coils are dirty, it could get too hot and break.
  • Contaminants: If there is dirt, wetness, or other debris in the AC system, it can do a lot of damage. Leaks or repair work can let contaminants in, which can clog parts and cause the compressor to fail.

How to Tell If Your Compressor Is Broken?

Want to be sure that it is actually your compressor that is broken and causing the problem and not some other part? Well, there are a lot of things or signs you can check for in order to be somewhat sure. Let’s see:

  • Look for Obvious Problems: First, check the compressor and any parts that are close by, you know? Look for lines that are burned or frayed, leaks, or damage to the compressor itself. And yes, make sure that all of the electrical links are safe and tight.
  • Listen for Strange Noises: Plug in the AC and listen to the compressor. Strange noises like buzzing, hissing, or clanking can mean certain problems. While hissing may indicate a refrigerant leak, clanking may indicate loose or broken parts and things like that.
  • Check Electrical Components: To check the voltage and continuity of electrical parts, use a voltmeter. Make sure that the compressor has power and that there are no problems with the circuit breakers or wires.
  • Measure Refrigerant Levels: To check the levels of the refrigerant, use a pressure gauge. Check the results against what the manufacturer says should be done. Most of the time though, low levels usually mean that there is a leak that needs to be fixed before, you know, you add more refrigerant.
  • Inspect Mechanical Parts: Look at the motor and other parts inside the compressor to see how they are doing. If you think you need more advanced tools or information to do this, don’t be afraid to call a professional.

How to Fix Common Compressor Problems?

You can fix your AC compressor once you know what’s wrong with it, you know? Here are some ways to deal with usual issues:

  • Electrical Fixes: Fix or replace broken wires or connections that aren’t tight, only if you have any experience doing so. Make sure that all of the electrical links are tight and safe. Get new fuses or restart circuit breakers that have tripped.
  • Refrigerant Fixes: If the amount of refrigerant is low, find the leak and fix it before adding more. Simple as that! You can use a leak monitoring kit or talk to a professional. Once the leak is fixed, add the right amount of refrigerant to the system again.
  • Mechanical Repairs: Fixing things mechanically means replacing old or broken parts like pistons, valves, or bearings, only if you know how to do so. Make sure the refrigerant can flow properly by clearing out any clogs in the air pipes. These fixes can be hard, so if you need to, you might want to get help from a professional.
  • Prevent Overheating: If you don’t want your compressor to get too hot, make sure to clear out the area around the compressor to make it more airy by getting rid of any trash. Clean the condenser coils on a regular basis to keep them working well.
  • Remove Contaminants: To get rid of dirt, water, or other waste, flush the system. How? Well, to make sure there are no more contaminants, replace the filters and dryers.


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